Thursday, November 2, 2017

Latest proposals

The sudden response from vice chancellors (VC), to agree to the proposed solutions to SAITM, proves my concern of the credibility of those whom we claim to be educated. Is this because they agreed for a solution to SAITM? Obviously, the circumstance is so, but the original idea was there long time back. Firstly, why did the VCs; a group, who never even bothered of SAITM issue, suddenly agree? I was wondering if they were even worried of SAITM at all.
I expected the recent proposals to be super important and crystal clear, to be approved by Vice Chancellors of universities; a highest academic position to be hold in Sri Lanka. I expected the proposal to be flawless and doubtless to be approved by the VCs in such quick time.
I am just a new graduate, and hence have no experience in academic work or academic decision making. But I was trained in a medical faculty that maintained very high standards and logic in arriving at decisions. As a student, I have witnessed, how much detail the administration and the teachers go in to, even in simple issues like a change in a date of a short appointment. As a graduate, who was trained under such strict and logical background, I do not see a rationale of the VC or anyone for that matter suddenly agreeing to a solution which leaves us with so many unanswered questions.
To begin with, the authority under which this proposal was proposed. I recall, that the previous proposals were from responsible authorities related to this matter, The Ministry of Higher education, and Ministry of Health and later from the Presidential secretariat. But this was from the Department of Government Information. I see a huge issue of credibility of the proposals in first place.
However, as the media overwhelmingly published, SAITM is abolished now, ie, the MBBS degree awarded by SAITM is stopped, and SAITM can no longer recruit students or award MBBS here after. This is a good thing. At least prevent the other students from digging their own graves.
Also, the minimum standards, that was in the process of gazetting for months, is to be gazetted soon. However, the health minister; the responsible authority, himself promised to do so several months back, but has failed to do so yet. Hence, for me, although this is proposed, raises serious concerns in implementation, since it is in the authority of the health minister and the new proposal is issued by an authority with no credibility over this matter.
Biggest issue for me in accepting this proposal is the doubt it has left regarding this so called “new entity” to be established in “one month” to award “MBBS degrees” on a “regular basis”.
SAITM has already put Sri Lankan medical education in crisis, and disgraced the reputation of the Sri Lankan medical degree by being blacklisted in the General medical council (GMC), UK. Hence, the crisis need to be managed quickly but effectively. If you trace the history of SAITM; BOI approval, UGC approval, SLMC approval, hospital for clinical training and many more were to be completed and over the last 8 years, SAITM couldn’t fulfil them and hence attempted all the illegal and cunny attempts to get the approval. With credit to the student community and the academic and trade union community, the fraud of SAITM was exposed and hence the government is now proposing to Abolish SAITM. These approvals, and the fulfillment of the criteria must be achieved by the proposed “new entity” as well, because it is to be established to award MBBS in a REGULAR BASIS and not only as a solution to the SAITM students. On surface analysis, it is evident that no medical school can be set with all those approvals and other related developments in one month. For that matter, at least in few months. More so, as the government has not yet identified who this not for profit investor is. Hence, even though the VCs and few other parties have agreed, as a simple graduate, I have doubts in accepting this hypothetical new entity because, it can be of no difference to SAITM if it fulfills all the requirements in a few months.
Speaking of the standards, it is proposed that “all” the credits of the current SAITM students, should be recognized by the “new entity” as it is. This itself contradicts the idea that the “new entity” would be of better standards. If they are of better standards, they would worry about accepting the credits of a degree which is rejected by Sri Lanka Medical Council and blacklisted by the General Medical council (GMC), UK. This also endangers the degrees of those who are claimed to be MBBS(SAITM) qualified. As per the proposals, SAITM is abolished. Hence, the degree awarded so far is not valid. The “new entity” cannot directly offer it’s degree for those who are MBBS(SAITM) qualified. That contradicts the idea of standards in the “new entity”. Hence it is paramount, that the outcome of SAITM assets should not be a “new entity” that will continue to award MBBS, because to set such a continuous entity it will need a lot of further discussion and planning, and a prompt decision is only going to cause more future problems. Instead, as the deans proposed, and Interim authority (IIA), only to provide solution for the current SAITM students would be more suitable to find a prompt solution for SAITM crisis, than delaying the solution with the “new entity” under discussion. Since the only objective of IIA is to find solution for the 900 students at SAITM, that may be more acceptable to solve this crisis than planning a long lasting “new entity”. If the government is planning a new medical school, that itself would need in depth discussion. For eg. The area of the new medical school. If someone has identified where the medical schools are distributed in the country, it is obvious, they are distributed all around the country improving healthcare provision. The right hospital has been identified, and later developed to a teaching hospital and then a medical school has been started. Government has stated that they have plans to start state medical faculties in Sabaragamuwa and Wayamba, making Kurunegala hospital the teaching hospital of one of them. The “new entity” will have to be planned accordingly. Just because SLIIT or any other investor has a wish to take over, “new entity” should not be established without proper planning.
World federation for medical education describes the process to follow in setting up a new medical school in the link below.
In a country, where there are already planned new medical schools coming, the “new entity” should be decided only after assessing the healthcare needs and the plans for the next 20 years at least. I fail to understand, undertaking the mammoth task of setting up a “new entity” would be ideal when solving a crisis as that of SAITM, and an IIA just to find solutions for those affected students would be better and could be implemented with less in depth and situation analysis as that would be needed with a “new entity” that is long lasting.
I was amused to hear the vice chancellors, suddenly declaring they agree to the proposed solutions, considering the in-depth analysis the faculty I studied would do, even before deciding a simple matter such as that of a tree, exam or a clinical appointment. Agreeing to a “new entity” with no information at all cannot be expected from the learned community. Particularly so, form a place like that I have studied, considering the level of analysis, the faculty used to do in much simpler situations. And I’d expect the faculty and the university community to stand on their grounds to make sure they would make the ideal decision after much analysis, as they would do, even when cutting down a tree in the faculty.

A few hours after the said proposals were released, the health minister himself contradicted the essence of the latest proposal, and hence as learned people, it would be much wise to trust the action of the politicians than believing the words of a notice. I am sure the same standards followed for a usual faculty decision would be considered, at least by the faculty that nurtured me, based on the past experiences and the circumstances, in deciding if the solutions are good or bad.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Reflecting 5 years

It is a little over 24 hours after it was revealed that I have completed MBBS(Sri Lanka (NOT Aluthkade)), and it is a time to reflect on five long years at the Faculty in the journey of reaching here.

Among the lot that had supported during the journey, the full credit has to be given with utmost gratitude for all the patients whom I met from the first day at clinicals in a surgical ward till the last patient who supported me at the surgery long cases in the exam. Words can never describe, how grateful I am for all these great human beings. The kindness and the selflessness to talk to us and let us examine them, while they are in pain, sometimes at the last days of their's lives, when they know that this in purely for our studies with no personal gain for them (except their self satisfaction) is unimaginable. And we are blessed that there were so many such wonderful human beings who helped us over the years to learn Medicine; which would have never been a reality with out them. ( Although the Sri Lankan trend is changing at this point of writing where clinical training has not become essential to be doctors)

It would be a wastage of words if I praise my family members and all the close relatives here, because I can never think of a life without them, and using words to praise them is just a foolish attempt. But an emphasis on the past 5 years is incomplete if not for the the mad cousins who made life interesting in the few gatherings we had over time.

Teachers we meet at medical faculty are not like those whom we meet at school. All the teachers form pre school till grade 13 nurtured us like their own children and worked for our betterment and cheered with us in our success and cried with our failures. Learning medicine was to be professionals. The teaching on professionalism was a part of the training. So, the teacher, student relationship was different. If to speak of the best role model I met among the lot of role models at Colombo, it is Dr. G.L. Punchihewa sir - Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon. Sir was a complete doctor as I felt with the complete package of teaching, patient care, caring for students and good interactions with other healthcare staff. And there were many others too like , Prof. Saroj Jayasinghe sir, who was a role model on caring for patients , Dr. Thashi Chang sir, who was an excellent presenter and a teacher, Dr. Sanjeewa Senevirathne sir, a young teacher who made learning interesting and novel, Prof. Nandadeva Samarasekara sir, a wonderful administrator etc etc and there were many more in the list which I may not drag as the purpose of the blog is just to glance through 5 years.

Then come the friends who can either make life at university wonderful or a suffering. I am glad to have been  blessed with a wonderful set of school friends who can either be my teacher, counselor,  friend, idler and whatever the role the situation demands.
A complete 5 years of medicine is obviously boring with out changes to life. Complete different exposures are an essential part of life I guess. To serve this purpose I am blessed to have a set of friends, who will be "My Set" for ever in life. The fellow scouts of the troop committee are almost like my own brothers with all the conflicts, resolutions, fights, arguments in abundance. Organizing Centennial ROCKS with this lot while doing medicine was something I truly enjoyed.
Well, this doesn't mean it was 5 years with school friends. There were a lot of other great friends I met at the Colombo medical faculty too. Reflecting back I am fortunate that all 200 batch mates have helped me at least once at some point during the long journey. But as with anyone else, I too had a set of Extraordinary friends who made the 5 years special. All of them played different roles during the 5 years of stay, sometimes pleasant memories, sometimes life lessons, sometimes unbelievable experiences but everything to look back and smile about. 
This was the batch father in year one and was one of the best friends I met during the 5 years time, and the friendship had it's ups and downs , but the memories will never be forgotten

This guy unfortunately had to help me out with all trouble I get myself into, may be conference, hosting Japanese delegates, doing repeat campaigns, training swimming, etc etc and for some reason, still works with me at times of need(like finding old photoes for this blog)

This guy is the guide and the ever ready man who is the first contact at any sort of an issue and more importantly was freely available at any time (then)

This was my treasurer as a rep and since then for some unfortunate reason for him had to be a good friend of mine till this day, obviously with so many arguments and disagreements starting from hair and beard
This union president had to bear most of my direct criticism , but still keept laughing for a reason unknown to all. This person makes the properties of associations, faculty etc public which help sometimes, but not all the time.

This genius, who has climbed and excelled in all possible subjects, had always been a pillar with valuable inputs for a successful 5 years at the faculty, and had been the final destination when a decision regarding a subject matter is needed.

The union guy since year one.  Had so many plans, so many fights, disagreements , but was continuously supportive, particularly in the early years of need and led Anti SAITM campaign from our batch.

This is the Drama friend, who lit bulbs throughout 5 years and been motivating at times things were getting pretty bad with no solutions.

And then there were a lot of others who had always been a wonderful support over the years,  Carbo - The constant admirer, Sasangi - The constant supporter and particularly her family; where their house became a public property of 2010. There were so many other friends who contributed for a great life at faculty.
Somewhere down the line, I happened to end up being a batch rep and if not for Lakshika (the repi) and her patience, her way of working and her leadership, that particular year would have been a much worse one for the 200 in batch of 2010. I am truly grateful to her for the wonderful support given.

In this long reflection I can never forget the lot that had to bear me for 3 years at least every morning in different wards. There were issues more often than not, but if not for this lot the dream of MBBS would never have been a reality.

And then there are groups with different names, body group, community group, family attachment group, research group, elective group, prof groups, study group, cases group etc etc where I had to be a member sometimes with greatest enthusiasm and sometimes with greatest reluctance, but somehow ended up being a nice memory or an unforgettable experience( good and bad).

Also there were different committees namely Disaster Management, Sports Association etc which I had to be a part and contributing in different scales. They provided me the greatest opportunity to work with wonderful/not so wonderful students from senior/my/junior batches.

Not not to forget the long list of roommates I had - Lape, Sithasiha aia, Dasun, Randika, Yeshan and Diluksha ; the long list explaining how troublesome I must have been to the people who lived around.

Slowly but steadily we had to enter the so called ''Prof" year , the final lapse. It must not have been what it was if not for Praveen aia, Aindrani akka, Chapa akka - some i have met and some I haven't and only a Colombo medical graduate will know their value. And how can I ever forget , the dedicated seniors who were sometimes more enthusiastic than us to get good results for the faculty they studied. The Genius Mythili akka, Yasith aia, Kasun aia, Arjuna aia, Tharunya akka guided us with all that they gathered over their lives in medicine, and sometimes to the extent we couldn't even believe their commitment for a junior batch that had troubled them so much. If not for Praveen aia in particular, some Prof. appointments would never have ended with what the final results have displayed.
Among all senior inputs , I need to remind this character , 

whom for his fortune/unfortunate had us behind him during the Prof. year (his intern year). The ward tricks, BSS breaking bad news, Pearls of being a Good & Efficient intern were lessons taught by this man with example. Maheshi akka too had her inputs, particularly during Surgery appointment.

What is in word here are just bits and pieces from here and there that ran through mind when reflecting on the last 5 years at a glance. The Dances, visits, trips, dramas, decorations, sports and many more keep rushing in to mind which I would purposefully omit for the benefit few readers who will ever read this blog.

At the end of it, the papers Dean madam sent us through air, has unfortunately divided the batch to two broad groups on the day after our "Going Down", as those who passed and those who were not so lucky in the 1st attempt. However, I personally am proud that a batch mate of ours has set a legacy that would motivate thousands of students who come to Colombo to enjoy and excel in medicine with a balanced faculty life. If there's a will, there's a way is a famous saying I have listened to and this time it was proven in reality. 

It had been interesting (sometimes there were issues too like with anybody else) to work with Praveen since year one at various levels Med fest, Law Med, Freshers'welcome (Induwara). His prep talks, the unbelievable leadership skills , the entertainment has always been a great asset to Dahaya, until  he proved yesterday that he is unstoppable, by setting an example of balancing everything and finally reaching the target one needs to achieve. Among all good things he did for the batch , he has set the exact motivation for the  batch mates who needs to attempt again in May, "It is never about what you got in the past, it is about what you want to achieve in future, and getting the right advice, doing the right thing to get to the position you want" - Congratulations Praveen! And Thanks for making 2010 batch and Faculty of Medicine, Colombo Proud! 
and All the very best for the friends who will be attempting again! :) After all this is not MBBS(Aluthkade), and it has to be earned in the correct way which is hard ; not by money, court orders or corrupted politicians!